Gilla Burke dealt with neck and arm pain for about five months before addressing the problem. This made her work, and play very difficult. Gilla understands the philosophy of chiropractic care. She understands the neck and arm pain she experienced was her body letting her know there was a bigger problem. Tina B., a patient at our office who’s daughter attends the school Gilla runs, referred her to our office to help with her condition. In only four weeks, Gilla felt relief from the neck pain. She is staying very consistent with her adjustments, in order to continue with her positive results. Gilla explains chiropractic has helped improve her exercise, improved her yoga routine, and she now “sleeps wonderfully”. Gilla has been a patient of chiropractic care her whole life and says,” Dr. Davis’ method is simple and straight to the point. It is very efficient on service. Not only does she nurture the body, but the spirit as well. There is a lot of positive reinforcement”. Gilla referred many loved ones to our office and “ there is many more to come!”
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