Weight Loss
Did you know that a pinched nerve in the neck could cause poor function of the thyroid? Did you know that a problem in the thyroid could close your metabolism and make it difficult to lose weight?
If you know someone who is struggling with their weight, bring them in to be checked for a pinched nerve. Correcting this pinched nerve could help them with their weight and change their life.
Perdida de Peso
Sabia usted que un nervio pinchado en el cuello puede hacer que la Tiroides funcione mal? Sabia usted que los problemas en la Tiroides pueden disminuir su metabolismo y el hacer dificil que usted pierda peso?
Si sabe de alguien sufriendo por su sobrepeso, invitelo para que sea chequeado por nervios pinchados. Corrigiendo este nervio pinchado puede mejorar su metabolismo, bajar de peso y cambiar su vida.