Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Did you know that anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for pain are the most frequently prescribed medication? Did you know that according to the British Medical Journal, these drugs cause liver dysfunction, kidney damage, headaches, and fluid retention?
Did you know that by correcting pinched nerves in the spine in your body can effectively heal the damage. This will prevent the need for drugs and their side effects.
If you know someone taking anti-inflammatory drugs, tell them about chiropractic care and have them come in to our Coral Gables or Hallandale chiropractic office to be checked for a pinched nerve. You could save their lives.
Drogas Anti-inflamatorias
Sabia usted que las drogas de prescripcion medica anti-inflamatorias son las mas recetadas frecuentemente? Sabia las mas recetadas frecuentemente? Sabia usted que de acuerdo al libro de la medicina Britanica, estas drogas producent disfunctiones del higado, dano de riones, dolores de cabeza, y rentencion de liquidos?
Sabia usted que corrigiendo un nervio pinchado en la espina, su cuerpo sana efectivamente el dano. Esto evita el uso de drogas y previene efectos negativos.
Si conoce de alguine tomando anti-inflamatorios, comenteles acerca del cuidado quiropractioc e invitelos a venir para ser chequeados. Usted podria salvarales la vida.