Blood Pressure
Many of the patients of Furshman and Davis Family Chiropractic Centers come into our office with a host of poor health symptoms ranging from allergies to ulcers. Most all of them are surprised to learn that symptoms of poor health can be fixed naturally with upper cervical care. One such health issue that we have helped many people with is high or low blood pressure. Here’s why:
Problems with blood pressure medicine:
Studies show that over the past 10 years, the increase in blood pressure medication use has not decreased the number of heart attacks. This is probably because blood pressure medicine only covers up the symptom.
How can chiropractic care help blood pressure problems?
A pinched nerve in the middle of the spine can lead to high or low blood pressure. Therefore, correcting the pinched nerve can correct the problem rather than cover it up.
If you know someone who is on blood pressure medication, talk to them about having their spine checked for a pinched nerve by the chiropractors in our Coral Gables or Hallandale office.
Click here to read our patients’ stories and learn how chiropractic care helped them with high blood pressure.
Prescion Arterial
Sabia usted que un nervio pinchado en la mitad de la espina podria causar presion arterial alta o baja? Sabia usted que en los ultimos diez anos, el incremento en la utilazcion de medicinas para la prescion no ha disminiuid el numero de ataques al corazon?
Puede usted entender que al corregir el nervio pinchado se corrige el problema, mientras que las medicinas para la presion solo cubren los sintomas?
Si sabe de alguine que esta utliazando medicinas para la presion, hable con el para que le sea evaluado la espina por nervios pinchados. Podria ayudarles a prevenir serios problemas de salud.