Consuelo Panzer came into the office with the inability to lift her arms, terrible neck and upper back pains consistently. Once she began the chiropractic treatment, Consuelo was estatic to note that within merely her first month of care – she was able to feel a difference. She was a start patient due to the fact that she made every single appointment within that first month! Before then, Consuelo was taking advil and other pain relievers on a daily basis. Something she dreaded immensely. Consuelo is therefore now relieved to boast, “I don’t put anymore drugs into my body, and my body heals itself now. I feel no pain and I can now work with my students with no pain, and I am a much happier person. “ Nothing can make the chiropractic care given by Dr. Furshman anymore complete than a patient who has actually had their life improved tremendously by it. She is now happier as a teacher, and we’re sure her student’s are able to pick up this great triumph. Consuelo drives now, happily to work and to her appointments with Dr. Furshman- a luxury she could not afford before her care because she was unable to her head/body in any direction.
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